Friday, May 05, 2006

[Warning: Emo Post Ahead!!]
I'm just tired of all of this.
My mother is against me. My Dad dosn't care anymore. And I'm just fed up with it. But...I'm broke. I have no where to go, no job yet, and my car (which isn't even fixed yet) isn't paid off. Then to top it all off, I've started watching My Sweet 16 on MTV.
Oh yeah. That really helps me when I'm down. I see all these rich little bitches and bastards when they have the biggest freaking blowout birthday I've ever seen in my life. And they are of it all. It just boggles my mind!! They never say "Thanks Mom/Dad, for spending godawful amounts of money for me to have the best 16th birthday party ever!"
They never say thank you. They. Never. Do. The closest I've ever seen any of them come close to saying "thank you" before the whole shindig was over, was this one girl. She bitched and moaned, and FINALLY when she got her way. Got what she wanted...she said "Thanks Daddy!" But it was only after she bitched so loud over it.
I look at that, and I think.
I'm not that spoiled. I'm not that bad. Yes, I get snippy sometimes. Sometimes I want to cuss Mom out. But I never just bitch and moan until I get my way. I try to manipulate sometimes, but never to the extent I've seen these rich kids do!
I just want peace and quiet. My own place.
That's all I guess. I just want out. They're on the cusp of getting divorced. Mom is getting overly preachy sometimes nowadays. I just want to enjoy a day out with my friend, no bitching, no whining about when I wanted to spend the night.
Just a night out away from you, and you can't even leave me alone for more then 3 hours without calling my cell time and again. I'm just getting fucking sick and tired of it all.
I want it to end. I just want it all to end. But not by suicide either. I just want to get out of this house, and this family.

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