Saturday, December 02, 2006

Life, love, and broken cars...

Eh...been quite awhile since I've posted on this thing. Got a new car a few days ago, actually about a week ago. Damn axle is already fucked up.'s sitting at the guy who actually fixed up the car's house now.

He's a good guy however. He's in the National Guard, or Army...or something like that. He fixes tanks, and so does his twin. So, he does this as "slightly more then a hobby" kind of deal. I paid him $1,200, he found me a nice car. A 2000 Dodge Status, with minimal damage. He fixed it up, and got it a new wonderful paint job. (It's Kermit Green, btw.) And got it all nice and stuff. But then a couple of days into driving it, we found out that the axle is weak. (Something that couldn't have been found out without driving it a good bit, actually.) So as he's out on guard duty, it's sitting in his garage, waiting to be fixed.

I still smoke. And I'm getting married. W00T! Oh well. I love my fiancee, and he loves me. He's so awesome, and he makes me laugh so much. We're getting married in a about a year. I've known him for about....5 months now. We've been talking over the 'net now, and we're close in age. (He's 21, I'm 20) So there's not too much of a difference. Which is really super nice. Mother's not even that objective about it.

Probably cause he's only a 11-12 hour drive away from us. Lives in CT, he does. He's just awesome.

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